fishing games Bombing Fishing


Fishing Game introduction


Fishing Games evolved from the entertainment which called goldfish scoop. It was originally spring up in Japan. In the beginning, it was a console that placed in a casino. After continuous developing and testing, it has evolved into the online Fishing Game in recent years. No longer aiming at fishing, most of the players aim to earn real money by shooting sharks with cannons. It is one of the popular video games in online casinos.

Fishing machine is a type of video games, but most players don’t know that it actually has a good winning rate. And it is not difficult to win real money if the players play them skillfully.


Fishing Game key cycles


Although the fishing machine is simple to operate, it relies on the computer background data to operate. Is there any ways to crack it during the fishing game?
Yes, there is a way to crack Fishing Game.


Just master the cycle of the games. When the computer doesn’t want the players to score, just wait and don’t fire.Launch it when the spitting-point stage comes, and carefully observe the changes of the fish during the leisure period.Treated biting-point stage as an experience and figure out the three major cycles of Fishing Game. You could definitely win a lot of fish.


biting-point stage

Simply, when you have a situation that you couldn’t score anything or catch almost no fish. That’s the biting-point stage of Fishing Games. However, don’t worry about that. At this stage, you only need to switch to small cannons with a small amount to attack the fish, and slowly wait for that to over.


spitting-point stage

Spitting-point stage is the easiest cycle of Fishing Games to win the points. You will find that no matter how you shoot, it is easy to hit the huge prizes. During this stage, you can switch to a higher amounts of cannons with confidence to hit the fish. Cause the fish which normally is hard to be hit, will become extremely easy to be hit. Take the chance to the spitting-point stage of the fishing games!


leisure period

The status of the leisure period will make the games in a state of neither losing nor winning, similar to the concept of a draw. It will be a bit of wasting time, not making money or losing money. You can try to shoot with a small amounts of cannons, or wait for the leisure period to over.




Fishing Game Skills


Fast-swimming fish

Track those fast-swimming fish in Fishing Game. If that’s spitting-point stage, you could use the machine gun mode to clean up all the fish. Greatly improve the chances of winning. Normally, about the target, the bigger the better.
Therefore, when you encounter a school of fish, the target is large and is easy to gather. You should take the chance. However, if there’s a school of fast-swimming fish, better to wait for them to pass, don’t waste cannonballs.


Gifting fish around the fort

The fish that swim very slowly beside the fishing machine are the gifting fish. The gifting fishes mostly appear around the fort, and swim very slowly.
The hit rate could up to 99% for all the players. And that’s the gifting time of the fishing machine to the players.

When to use the bigger cannons? That’s when the small cannons start to catch fish!

At this point, the cannon starts to launch a violent attack. When the bigger cannon fails to hit the fish, you can switch to the smaller one and start again slowly. Using the cannonballs slowly in this way can help players to hit the big prize.


Every fish has weaknesses

Fins or gills are the weak points. When shooting, fire the cannonball higher. No matter what fish you hit, remember to make the cannonball parallel to the fish and attack both sides of the fish. Remember that this is a technique to any fishing machines.The blood volume of the fish will be affected by the Fishing Game cycle which is mentioned above. For example, it is very difficult to kill the big fish during biting-point stage. The players who do not understand the gameplay of fishing games will easily to waste a lot of money. Players can quietly watch others to waste their cannonballs and have a rest. After this stage, you only need to use the small cannons. The fish could be killed easily and you could also score successfully.



More Fishing Game skills

Fishing Game recommendation! The latest 13 tricks to crack! Play fishing game to win real money, just read this!

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